Saturday, April 24, 2010

Possible problem with dog?

Hi... I was just petting my dog, and I noticed a bump around his stomach/chest area... It appears to be under his skin, and kind of glides around, it seems. Now, my dog is considered a family member in my house... So, of course, I'm horrified. I know my family would be willing to pay any price for surgery. My question is, is this just a normal part of the dog, is it life-threatening, or is it just something that'll go away?

Possible problem with dog?
Take him to vet, any lumps under the skin should be checked out. If not for anything else than for peace of mind. Wouldnt any parent take their child if they felt a growth under the skin?!? if he's member of the family the protocol should be the same.
Reply:The only way to know is by bringing your dog to a vet to be checked out. Alot of times it can be fatty tissues that sometimes can be left alone or if it is very large can be surgically removed.
Reply:It sounds like a cyst, which is not serious. I would make an appointment to take the dog to the vet to be sure.
Reply:It sounds like your dog might have a tumor, get him to the vet!
Reply:Definitely check it out! It sounds however to be a fatty cist. My best friend's chocolate lab used to get them all the time. My golden retriever has one on her chest, under the skin.

If you have cats or if the dog got out or even scratched itself it could be fluid build up. My girl got bit at the dog park and she had a lump there for a while, just as a reaction to the bite.

But you can never be to sure.

Good Luck
Reply:it could be a sist or a fatty build up both are very comin in dogs, but take him to the vet just to be safe, good luck! let us know how your dog makes out.
Reply:Well, it is a growth of some kind so your vet should check it. Many times, depending on what it feels like, your vet will just recommend keeping an eye on it. If it feels like a fatty tumor (which is benign) your vet will recommend you check it about once a week and have it removed if it seems to be growing or if it bothers the dog. If it doesn't feel like a fatty tumor, your vet may recommend removing it and sending it to a pathologist or just taking a small biopsy of cells to send off.

There is really no way to tell if it is benign or something more serious without sending it to the pathologist, but dogs commonly get fatty tumors as they get older and they usually don't bother the dog.

Schedule a visit with your vet to see what he/she recommends. And don't worry! It's not time to worry, yet! :)
Reply:Two answers:

You can call and talk to your vet over the phone and describe the lump, and they can tell you if you should be alarmed or if it's nothing to worry about.

Or you can take your dog in to see a vet and have them do a biopsy of the bump. They can run test on it to see if it's cancerous, if it's an infection, or just a cyst. It could be anything, if your family is willing to pay for the vet bills then...I don't know any vet who would rush your dog into surgery without doing a biosy of the bump first, a physical exam, and possible test.

No one can really tell for sure what the bump is. I know that some dogs have bumps on their bodies and it's just growths or something that they don't have to worry about (via checked by a vet).

Your best bet is to do one of the to options I stated at the beginning. Good Luck.
Reply:hmm could be a cyst, fatty tissue, tumor etc... take it to the vet my Cousins grandparents dog had bumps like that but his could be left alone but take your dog to the vet to be sure.
Reply:that is up to the vet. have an exray done on him just to be safe. It might be a tumor, but we're not for sure. so have him get checked out.
Reply:It could be a sist or tissue biuld up it sounds to me like tissue build up und it is not that serios but you shuokd still get it checked out. try not to touch , rub or move it around under his skin alot because if it is a tissue build up it will grow if you do this to much hope my info helps you
Reply:It might be just a bite, such as from a tick: I pulled a tick off one of my cats, and a lump something like that was left behind. But you would be better off taking your dog to the vet to get it checked.

Good luck!
Reply:Hi, It could be a couple of things. Only a vet doing a hands on exam can tell you for sure. It very well can be a fatty tumor and they are usually benign. There are also cancerous cysts, but let's just think positive until you go to the vet, and hope it is simply the fatty tumor. These tumors can be removed since they will grow over time, but of course any surgery would depend on the dog's health and age. No, not all dogs gets these bumps but a lot do. Call your vet and let your dog be examined. Good luck and I hope it is just a fatty benign tumor.

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