Saturday, April 24, 2010

What if any is the best fish to give to dogs with fur and skin problems?


What if any is the best fish to give to dogs with fur and skin problems?
i hear that raw egg yolks give a dog a nice shiny. soft coat!!!!!

ive never head of fish doing anything though
Reply:Dogfish....type of shark.
Reply:lamb is the best for skin and fur problems. also try an oatmeal bath every 3 to 4 weeks. a humidifier is great in the winter for dry skin in animals.
Reply:You can buy the vitamin supplement with fish oil in it for dogs. I use Spring Valley brand fish oil caplets for mine.
Reply:as little as a tble spoon of cod liver oil (pure) on there food is good. But you should really find out what kind of skin problem the dog has first...If the dog suffers from something called HOT SPOTS it doesn't work and your dog could have exzeama. That could be treated with medicated shampoos...Always best to get a VETS option first before you try anything on your pet
Reply:when you have a piece of cod or haddock ,give them the skin they love it , you watch how shiny their coat becomes
Reply:Tuna in oil (not brine)
Reply:well, i have a golden retriever, and I've learned that salmon works best. But if that doesn't work, use vegetable. Sounds gross, but hey, if it stops the itching, you'll take anything right?
Reply:I give my dog sardines out of a tin!!

Fresh sardines aren't really that expensive, but you have to gut/clean/cook, so out of a tin is fine.

I'm not saying that it will cure your dogs coat and skin problem, but it will help.
Reply:any kinds of oily fish,macrel is a good one.
Reply:there is alot of good info on fur loss, itching, balding at

baby jade

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