Monday, November 16, 2009

My dog's skin is flaky and scaly. What could cause skin disease on dogs? What is the treatment?

My German Shepherd has never had skin problems before. The scaly and flakiness appears to be in certain "clumps" around her body, mostly on the back and hindquarters. She has been scratching one area and rubbed off the hair, exposing the scaling around the hair follicles and on the skin.

My dog's skin is flaky and scaly. What could cause skin disease on dogs? What is the treatment?
you need to take ur dog in and have its skin scaped as the poor thing could have a form of mange that needs to be treated with skin antibiotics. Since their are so many different types of mange it is important to have the vet diognose which type.
Reply:We got an essential fatty acid solution from Pet Smart that really helped our dog
Reply:i'm no expert by no means but it sounds like ur baby has dry skin or is allergic to something there is pet shampoo that should help it is for dry skin or what not go to pets mart if ya have one in your area and they should be able to help hope it works out take care
Reply:Well first thing to do is get a vet to check it out...But Im pretty sure I know what you mean..The most likely cause of this is exma(spelling?) which is more common in dogs then you might think....Heat rash is also very common and can be quite discomforting to the animal..But dont take my word for it you should see a vet about it...Hope this helps
Reply:It could be allergies, mange or fleas. Check for fleas. I suggest you take it to the vet, but if you won't or ca't check for fleas if that is the cause give it a good flea bath and/or dip.

Also I recommend this shampoo for irritated skin:
Reply:Possibly the mange.

You can treat it with burnt motor oil.
Reply:sounds like a form of mange,take to a vet.olso try a raw egg everyday it helps with the dry skin @ makes there coat shinny.
Reply:Talk to your vet. Have him put on antibiotics. If the skin isn't red then it's not to bad. Bathe or have a groomer bath him with a oatmeal dog shampoo, and a moisterizing conditioner for dogs.
Reply:could be allergies, from fleas. GO to the Vet.
Reply:Could be fleas...could be diet....why not go and get it checked out by a Vet.

Reply:Your dog could have allergies or mange.I suggest you take her to the vet.
Reply:could possibly be an allergic reaction to something in the yard she got on herself, could be mange but only if she was in contact with a dog that had it, or most probably is a form of eczema,(yes dogs get it too,just an imbalance in oils causing dryness and hair loss) they make topical ointments for this ,check with a vet supply in your area or a retailer like pet smart for the ointments.
Reply:Like another said, it may just be dry skin, if you dont have the money to go buy anything, you can put Vegetable Oil on his food, it will help the skin and also make the coat shiny....or put fat from food in his dish to eat. I feed my dogs that and they love it
Reply:this could be a number of conditions...alopecia, contact dermatitis; have you changed the shampoo you use to bath he? Have you changed her diet? Also, check her for fleas.
Reply:Sounds as though she may have allergies. My lab had flakey skin too! When you bathe her, use a oatmeal shampoo for the skin; I also put olive oil on her food about twice a week which helped a lot!
Reply:My grandmothers dog just experienced the same thing.. She took her dog to the vet and found out that she has ring worm. HIGHLY CONTAGIOUS!!! to humans as well as other dogs. They took a scraping of one of the patchy areas and did a culture on it, and confirmed that it was ring worm. They dipped her dog in a solution and she has to go back 2 more times to be dipped.

Symptoms were: patches of flaky skin, color change in the patchy areas, itching, and hair loss.

You need to get your dog into treatment asap!!! And watch your own skin that you don't start itching and get rounded spots of irritated skin.. I hope I am wrong but you should know its a possibility..good luck to you..

I also hope you know that it isn't really worms, it's a fungus.
Reply:she may be allergic to fleas or just have a skin condition. my friend used head and shoulders on her dog and it helped her dog. the hair grew back and the scratching stopped. if it is flea allergy, use frontline, it helps too
Reply:ONE word, your food is crap ! go to natures variety and start feeding your dog good food, it solves 95% of skin problems...
Reply:Now THAT sounds like mange..You really need to get that dog to a vet, I do not understand why people post stuff like this instead of taking their poor animals to the vet!
Reply:Could be a variety of reasons, mange, excema, an allergy or poor diet.

Try adding a bit of veg oil to her food, and be sure her diet is balanced and healthy, you dont say how old she is but a dog's dietary needs change with age.

Whatever you do get her to the vets and get her checked out. Sometimes he will prescribe steroids, my vet did for one of my sheperds when he had a similar problem (and a slight change to his diet)...he was fine after a few weeks. Hope you sort it soon. Good luck
Reply:You need to take her to the vet. It could vary from a simple case of dry skin to a life threatening condition. If you caught the "condition" early enough it will be easier to treat and hopefully less costly. Take a pen and notebook with you and write down all of the suggestions that your vet has for treating her skin condition. It could be as simple as having to add a conditioner to her bath routine to needing antibiotics.

Good Luck to you and your pooch1
Reply:Get the vet. Could be anything from an allergy to your washing powder, through to mange or cushings.
Reply:Ask your vet about a thing called hot spots.
Reply:It could be mange or dry skin, My friends dog has something like that, you'll have to take it to the vet to be sure.
Reply:Your dog needs a good bath with a skin/hair conditioning pet shampoo with a coat conditioner afterwwards. I am assuming that you already treat him/her with a flea preventative product (yes?) that will prevent fleas...Also, please bruch him/her regular - as some dogs have an undercoat (some shepard breeds do)and when the seasons change and they try to shed - it causes itching. ALSO - Very Important - when you bathe him/her....RINSE, RINSE,RINSE to get ALL the soap out of his/her coat.. otherwise h/she will suffer HOT SPOTS which are horrendously painful to the dog and hard to treat. A faty acid supplement (either capsule - like Lipoderm or fish oil for humans )- works well if he/she is experiencing a dry coat for some reason. If you are feeding grocery store dog food - dry skinis not uncommon. Good Luck. Kiss him/her for me - I have Belgian Truvern Shepard with undercoat and major shedding right now.
Reply:If you have confirmed it is not some disease from your vet, you can pick up a vitamin supplement from PetSmart to add to her food. Also, buy an oatmeal shampoo for her. She'll feel relief in a few days. Good Luck!
Reply:this could be symptons of mange take the dog to vet and get him dipped. after that steam clean the carpet because mange is contagious and the dog could get re-infested. also there if the dog has fleas and you have used a off brand treatment this may be an allergic reaction, most off brand products are very harsh remember flea killer is a pesticide that can be toxic to your pet.
Reply:bring her to the vet and ask
Reply:take your dog to the vet, some skin conditions can be realy painful and incredibly uncomfortable and annoying. Your vet will be able to tell you the best coarse of action. If you can't afford to see the vet then try going to a humane society, hey will do the same work for near enough nothing.
Reply:could be a number of things as other people have mentioned. Most common things are hot spost, might be allergic to fleas so keep up a treatment programe, or could be allergic reaction to numerous things. It is really just a process of ellimanation. try differant things and see if the reas goes away. The other thing is to take the dog to a groomer and ask them to bath the dog in a oatmeal shampoo. I reckomend one called epi-sooth. you can also purchase it from the vet and do it your self at home. If all else fails take the dog to the vet for a check up and see what they think.

Good Luck
Reply:My pet had the same symptoms. I took him to the vet and it was heat rash along with an allergic reaction to a tick bite. The vet gave me a medicated shampoo called Malaseb. You could use it for dogs, cats and even horses. But take him/her to the vet. They may be able to give you the best diagnosis. Good luck.

shell flower


  1. There are lots of things to be thankful for but i guess none of them is my dog that has a lot of dog skin problems. I don't want to sound bitter but it is something i can't hardly be proud of. My family knows that I love my dog very much, they really wanted me to help on this we do a lot of treatments, but then, all of them costs me too much money, until they discuss me about the dog skin solutions created by Linda Kajda that helps me a lot to treat my dog skin problems, I really work on hard just do get over it.
    love your blog =) thanks for sharing

  2. My dog has the same problem. He has many allergies and I take him to a doggie dermatologist. Turns out these patches are a "yeast infection". Selson Blue shampoo kills yeast, give it a try. It works for my dog.
