Friday, November 20, 2009

Whats wrong with my dog?

my dog has a skin problem alwayz chewing and scratching. we take her to the vet and they keep giving her steroids and anitbiotics but it keeps coming back.

Whats wrong with my dog?
clean your dog alot and be sure to rub the shampoo into her skin very well. get a plastic collar thing that makes it so they cant chew at them self
Reply:My dog had the same problem, he had allergies he was allergic to grass, plus he has dry skin.
Reply:well the chewing and scratching can be due to many different things. her skin could just be sensitive. is there a rash on her or something?
Reply:bugs living right under the surface of the canine's skin, causes it to lose hair and be very itchie and dry....poor puppers...just keep taking it to the vet for treatment and with a little luck it will clear up...
Reply:Have you considered that he might be allergic to something in his food?

I switched mine to Canidae chicken and rice and there are no more skin issues.
Reply:We don't know what's wrong with your dog, what does the vet think? Keep working with the vet. You won't find better answers on here, if you're not happy with the results so far then try another vet.

Reply:You've paid for all those appointments and they don't know? It could be many things, It could be hormonal; a sensitivity to something (soap/grasses/stress); a bacterial skin infection; parasites; boredom. Phone up and ask them what their diagnosis was/is and get a treatment plan/care plan to stop your poor dog doing this. Bathing too often or with a product she's sensitive to can make it worse. Find out from your vet what you should be doing to prevent this from re-occurring. Sounds like you've been there often enough with this condition, to have it resolved. My parents went through years of this with their vet, to end up having her diagnosed with the bacterial skin infection! She's always behaved as you describe your dog, but she's much more comfortable now. Vets are expensive, get a straight answer from them. Your dog deserves to feel better and to be able to relax a bit. Good luck!
Reply:My dog does the same thing. The vet was offering me fish oil supplements, I've decided that I am going to feed him 1 egg a day. I know people who do that, and their dogs all have shiny and soft fur.

Now I just need to get to the grocery store...

Give it a shot...
Reply:Go to a dermatologist and have them run allergy tests. He might be allergic to something in his food or in the environment. It will be expensive to test, but save you money in the long run since you won't have to put her on steroids all the time (steroids are not healthy in the long run)
Reply:A lot of skin problems are due to the diet. Check to see if his dog food contains corn, wheat, gluten, etc. If so, switch to a fodd that doesn't contain those things.
Reply:Oh I hear you! Aint it expensive having a pooch with a seemingly endless itch! I've been listening to various vets over the years and finally I've come up with a treatment that is completely safe and my dog is no longer itchy...requires regular application:-

2 heaped T of either table salt or even better Epsom salts into hot water to dissolve. Add to luke warm bathwater. Make sure you bathe your dog in this solution for at least 10 min's.

After bathing, gently pat dry, put on elizabethian collar (on the dog that is...) and apply the coritsone cream. Now, I'm not a great fan of using corisone on my dog but it's the only thing that seems to relieve the itching for him.

Every second or third bath, don't use the cortisone - replace it with Aqueous lotion. This is important as it's nourishing for your dog's skin - allowing it to heal quicker.

I hope this helps. All the best


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